I don't want to make my blog an obligation or some type of homework assignment that I have to complete. However, I have been slacking on the postings. I will try and remedy all that starting today. Cross your fingers.
Since my last post, I have been on two more dates with different guys from the online dating site. Each experience was different and had its own reason for further consideration. One thing that I notice and strikes me is that both gentleman are willing to pay for the meal. Even with my offer to pay half, they are very determined to pass. It is only reasonable, in my perspective, to feel a bit guilty that they pay for the meal. Yet I have been told time and again that as a female on a date, I should never have to pay.
That got me thinking on the investing that these men have to make. It is not guarantee that the date will turn out well but the gesture is appreciated.
I have also started writing some short stories in my newly acquired Moleskine note book. I fell spontaneous sometimes to put words on paper and it fits the bill. It will make its way as a post eventually.
Lastly, my room is getting renovated. It is long overdue. However, I get asked: aren't you suppose to be moving out instead? Unless I hit the jackpot, I am a very poor college graduate so no, I can't move out.
Will post final look, sadly I did not have time to do a before shot.
:Yes! Can't wait for the stories!