Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Only one thing is worse than Fashion Faux Pas

Stroll down any busy street and there is bound to be at least one fashion mistake that catches your eye.  Maybe they just don't realize it or maybe they don't care.  However for the one seeing the big muffin top or those exposed bra straps and other cringe worthy mistakes, it churns my stomach just a bit.

Documenting fashion is of utmost importance.  The complete look viewed through something beside a mirror can capture the essence of the outfit.

However, sometimes that is not possible.  I dread self portraits!  Be it using a phone or a camera, I don't feel that it is able to capture the message.  There are very few poses available and a complete head to toe image is practically impossible to achieve.  

Today I was inspired by fellow blogger and close friend Olithia of Do You Speak Cilantro to attempt another fashion post.  So I found someone to take a picture of me.  Sadly I don't own a good point and shoot camera so I used my phone.  It is NOT the next best thing. 

Dress: Soprono, picked it up at Tjmaxx
Cardigan: Ann Taylor 
Belt: Vintage, Etsy
Shoes: Clarks 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and elegant as always. I could totally see you rocking some elements of minimalism in your style.
